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Sisterhood EmpowHER

An auxiliary of the Sisterhood for sisters ages 18-30


Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.

I am my Sister's Keeper

It is the mission of Sisterhood EmpowHER to encourage, educate and nurture the young women of God as they mature in the lord and as women. We endeavor to do this through fellowship and genuine love.

what we do


Support One Another

Sisterhood EmpowHER is a safe space for us to come together, uplift one another, learn from one another, and grow in the Lord.


Gather Together

Sisterhood EmpowHER hosts fun filled events every other month! If you would like to come and fellowship with your sisters, then check out the calendar of events for the next upcoming event!


Read the Word

Sisterhood EmpowHER has bible class via zoom once a month! We discuss topics relevant for young women who want to have a strong relationship with the Lord. For more information, contact the leaders Sister Kendall Morris and Minister Amber Brown.

Upcoming Events

Check out the Nehemiah’s Temple calendar of events to find out when the Sisterhood EmpowHER is having their next event!